“Street Evangelist for women’s equality,” is how Shirley introduces herself. In early 2014, she began speaking up and giving out her book to those who seemed interested. Eventually that led to business cards. Watch for her. You might find Shirley anywhere and be the recipient of a “Shirley Taylor – Street Evangelist for women’s equality” business card.
Read “Reports from the Street Evangelist"
Shirley's growing number of books about Women's Equality and the gender debate within Christianity are now available on Kindle and Amazon. You will be challenged to get off your equal-but and speak up and do something. Men will be challenged to take their place alongside women, not in front of women.
Dethroning Male Headship was released May 1, 2013, and the Second Edition releases in September 2015. Read the article in a local newspaper “Woman 'fed up' with male headship" for insight into why Shirley writes so passionately and works so hard to advance this important cause. (Click here to read the article.)
All versions of Shirley's books can be obtained through Amazon and are available on Kindle. Ask for them at your bookstore, too.
Shirley writes:
My husband Don and I have been married for 53 years. He is my biggest supporter. For over 14 years I was a ministry assistant in the Church Starting Center of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (also known as BGCT and now known as Texas Baptists). In 2000, I became convinced that the Southern Baptist Convention was starting down a path of holding women to the 1st century Bible days, while the men were allowed to move into the 21st century. I now work to encourage women to claim the equality that is rightfully theirs.
I find that I can no longer support Baptists and their belief system. The Southern Baptist Conventi0n has decided to freeze in place. Or more specifically, have decided that women are to freeze in place while the men are allowed to move on into this 21st Century. No restrictions have been placed on the men.
In fact, in the adoption of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood's Danvers Statement by the Southwestern Theological Baptist Seminary (SWBTS), it will be made very clear that the men are selected by God to have Male Headship over the women and over the families. This is going to have long-term results and women will suffer because of it. They will suffer because there is no way you can give men, or women for that matter, this kind of god-like power that this statement gives them without it having serious consequences. Remember that the serpent tempted Eve by saying “…you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” A man cannot be between his wife and God. That makes him a god, and her a lesser being.
So, no. I have had enough. Paige Patterson of the SWTBS and Al Mohler, do not speak for me. Mr. Piper and Mr. Grudem do not speak for me. I am a Christian woman. And I claim my equality in the body of Christ, no matter what church I am in.
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Shirley Taylor